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Inspire the Champion within!



Master Classes

Master classes are for any individuals ages 18 and over that wish to learn artistic swimming. Open to swimmers with past or no experience at all. Must be able to swim the length of the pool unassisted and be comfortable in deep water. Master swimmers can choose to swim for fitness and are welcome to join […]

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Homeschool Classes

Our homeschool classes run during the morning/early afternoon. These classes give homeschoolers the chance to train during the day when most athletes are in school. We will also sign off for PE credits.   Open to swimmers ages 4-18. Must be able to swim the length of the pool unassisted and be comfortable in deep water.  

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Recreational Team

Our recreational option gives swimmers the opportunity to learn this beautiful sport in a non-competitive format. Recreational classes are open for youth ages 4-18 and Masters ages 18 and over. Must be able to swim the length of the pool unassisted and be comfortable in deep water.Athletes in the recreational track will perform together with

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Competitive Team 

We offer competitive tracks for swimmers ages 4-18 at the Novice, Intermediate and Advanced levels. We also have a Masters competitive track for ages 18 and over. Must be able to swim the length of the pool unassisted and be comfortable in deep water.Athletes will compete statewide in various competitions between the months of February

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